Working with Helicopter Rescue
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Helicopter Evacuation Safety Tips
Utilizing Helicopters for Remote Evacuation
Helicopters can be the optimal choice for patient evacuation in certain situations:
- Remote Areas: When land transfer is slow or risky.
- Prioritizing Safety: Ensuring patient well-being during evacuation.
Visibility is Key
To maximize visibility for helicopter rescues:
- Daytime Signals: Use an orange survival bag or Y-arm position.
- Stay Still: Avoid unnecessary movement to stand out effectively.
- Signal Differently: Distinguish yourself from others.
- Nighttime Signals: Employ a torch in sweeping motions or a glow stick in circles.
Helicopter Landing Protocol
Follow these safety guidelines during helicopter operations:
- Keep Distance: Maintain a minimum 50-meter distance from the helicopter.
- Non-Interference: Do not approach the helicopter or winchman.
- Assist as Instructed: Only provide help when requested by the crew.
- Avoid Light Disturbance: Do not shine torches at the crew or aircraft.
These safety measures apply to both remote and non-remote areas, ensuring the smooth and secure operation of helicopter evacuations.
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